Different types of merchandising
How to provide products or services to our customers greatly influences the final sale. Historically, marketers have carefully merchandising. In the course of merchandising we analyze various trends to capture the buyer’s attention.
According to the traditional classification are different types of merchandising:
Merchandising presentation: attention to the most profitable products is conducted. Signage and product placement target the consumer senses. the layout is determined, the layout of the store, according to the movement of clients by the establishment.
Merchandising seduction: We talk about the store that uses animation show at the point of sale, live products, specific furniture, etc. Look after the appearance of the establishment to influence the mood of the buyer
Merchandising management or strategic: Accurate analysis of supply and demand according to the rotation of products. instruments such as Market Research, Soil Occupation Coefficient (COS), Category Management, Assortment Management, Policy Price, Positioning and location of products on the shelf are used.
Another element to classify our merchandising actions depends on the type of customer you are targeting:
Merchandising for Customer-Opportunist: Known as shopper, is one customer looking for and compare alternatives on the market. They are applied techniques Entry Marketing.
Merchandising for Customer-Purchaser: Known as customer buyer. It is the customer specific purchase in the property as a planned purchase. In this case the merchandising strategy must go through also encourage compulsive buying, known as outbound marketing.
These actions can be combined with promotional merchandising strategies, for a defined time, permanent or seasonal merchandising merchandising.
Product life we define marketing policy with respect to:
Merchandising of Birth: These are actions such as tastings, leaflets, information stands, introductory offers, etc.
Merchandising Attack: Wanted build customer loyalty and achieve new. They are important entertainment activities at the point of sale and promotional campaigns related to the article.
Merchandising Defense: Phase to prolong the decay phase of the product, avoiding the loss of the linear positioning and seeking the cooperation of the distributor, due to the fall in sales, loses interest in the defense of the product.
Source: http://blogdelogistica.es
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